Redefining Homework
Get it Done Faster, Better and Smarter!
Join 800+ families and get unlimited, 24/7 support from Brilliance private tutors. Elite Tutors to help your kids get homework done correctly and prepare them for exams in Math, English and Sciences via AI. Subscribe to get started.
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About Homework Help
If you're a busy parent or can't afford to hire expensive tutors, then Homework Help is what you need! We help ensure all your children's homework are done, and that they're well prepared for school tests and pivotal exams. We don't only help your kids with homework, but also teach study skills and test-taking strategies to help them get good grades and develop a love for learning.
What does Homework Help cover?
Homework and Test Prep
Detailed and self-explanatory homework help designed to teach your children the best approach to getting their homework done and prepare for tests.
Curriculum switch
You get to switch between different curriculums in order to enhance a better learning experience
24/7 Tutoring support
We understand that you can have a busy schedule, we will be available round the clock to give you the support you need to improve your children's learning.
Live Audio/Video Answers
We understand that some concepts are not easy to get at a glance, get access to live audio and videos explaining the steps to understand difficult concepts.
Meet your child's personal tutor, available 24/7
This covers General Mathematics, Basic Mathematics and Quantitative Reasoning
English Language
This covers English Language, Essay Writing, Phonics, Verbal Reasoning and Literature
Basic Science
This covers Sciences including Physics, Biology and Chemistry for all curricular
Why choose Homework Help?
Over 800 parents use our service to access accurate and well-detailed solutions to their children's assignments
Prepare for tests and pivotal exams
Suitable plans for families with multiple children or wards
Personalized Question and Answer tutoring experience
Reliable support round the clock
Follow-up exercises to improve child's learning experience
Get started in 4 easy steps
Step 1 - Visit the website
Visit our official website “” to get access to the AI-powered Homework Assistant
Step 2 - Click the subscribe button to get started.
Here you click on the “subscribe” button to get started on the sign up process where you insert your details
Step 3 - Select a plan
Here you check through various plans and their features and you select a plan that suits you best. You can add more users to get more discount on your fees
Step 4 - Make payment
Make payment for your subscribed plan. Once payment is confirmed you get access to your HWA profile where you start your wonderful learning experience
What parents say about
our service
Our mission and success story
Brilliance Live Learning is an online learning platform that connects you with verified expert teachers to learn any subject or skill or prepare you for exams; as well as ensures safety, accountability, and quality service delivery.
We are Africa's largest and most-trusted source of high-quality teachers and instructors; having impacted more than 12,000 families in Nigeria.
We've put together answers to some common questions you may have.
Ready to give homework help a trial?
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United Kingdom
Global tutoring services are offered by the Nigerian entity in partnership with Brilliance Nexus Global LTD (Company No. 16198132) with registered address at 46,Gauntlet Road, Brockworth Gloucestershire, GL3 4EB, United Kingdom
Tutoring services are provided by Brilliance Home Tutors (RC BN3266534) with a registered address at 20, Oshifolarin Street, Akoka Lagos.